Who Owns Black Rifle Coffee: Uncovering the Ownership and Story Behind Black Rifle Coffee Company

Introduction To Black Rifle Coffee Company

Black Rifle Coffee Company is a renowned coffee brand that has gained popularity for its high-quality coffee and strong support for veterans and first responders. Founded in 2014 by Evan Hafer, a former Green Beret, the company has become a go-to option for coffee lovers who appreciate both the rich flavor of their products and the values they stand for. With an online subscription service boasting over 100,000 subscribers, Black Rifle Coffee Company has expanded its reach to physical stores in Montana and Tennessee. What sets Black Rifle Coffee Company apart is not only its dedication to exceptional coffee but also its commitment to supporting those who serve.

Background And Founding Of Black Rifle Coffee Company

Black Rifle Coffee Company was founded in 2014 by Evan Hafer, a former Green Beret with 20 years of military service. Hafer, who served in the US Army and specialized in special forces, identified a need for high-quality coffee among the veteran and first responder communities. With a passion for coffee and a desire to share his knowledge and expertise, Hafer established Black Rifle Coffee Company. What started as an online subscription service quickly gained popularity, with over 100,000 subscribers as of 2020. The company’s commitment to providing exceptional coffee and supporting those who serve has been at the core of its success.

Mission And Values Of Black Rifle Coffee Company

The mission of Black Rifle Coffee Company is to provide premium coffee to those who love America. They aim to support veterans, active-duty military, and first responders through their products and initiatives. Black Rifle Coffee Company is dedicated to producing the highest quality coffee and ensuring that every cup is crafted with precision and passion.

In addition to their commitment to coffee excellence, the company values integrity, service, and patriotism. They pride themselves on being a veteran-owned and operated business with a strong emphasis on community and giving back. Black Rifle Coffee Company believes in the American way of life and is dedicated to preserving the values that make this country great. With its mission and values at the forefront, Black Rifle Coffee Company continues to make a positive impact in the lives of those who serve and love America.

Evan Hafer: The Founder And CEO

Who Owns Black Rifle Coffee: Uncovering the Ownership and Story Behind Black Rifle Coffee Company

Evan Hafer is the founder and CEO of Black Rifle Coffee Company. With a distinguished military background, Hafer spent twenty years serving in the US Army, fifteen of which were in special forces as a Green Beret with the 19th Special Forces Group.

Hafer’s experience and dedication to his country played a significant role in his vision for Black Rifle Coffee Company. He wanted to create a company that not only provided high-quality coffee but also supported veterans, active-duty military, and first responders. Under Hafer’s leadership, Black Rifle Coffee Company has become a thriving business founded on the principles of integrity, service, and patriotism. His commitment to excellence and dedication to the veteran community have helped shape the success and impact of Black Rifle Coffee Company.

Evan Hafer’s Background And Military Service

Evan Hafer, the founder and CEO of Black Rifle Coffee Company, has a distinguished military background. He served in the US Army for twenty years, with fifteen of those years spent in special forces as a Green Beret with the 19th Special Forces Group. This experience provided Hafer with invaluable training and skills that have shaped his leadership style and approach to business. Hafer’s military service instilled in him a strong sense of discipline, determination, and commitment to excellence, qualities that have been instrumental in the success of Black Rifle Coffee Company. His dedication to his country and fellow service members is evident in the company’s mission to support veterans, active-duty military, and first responders.

The Vision Behind Starting Black Rifle Coffee Company

The vision behind starting Black Rifle Coffee Company was to provide exceptional quality coffee while supporting and empowering the military community. Founder and CEO Evan Hafer, a former Green Beret, wanted to create a brand that not only delivered excellent coffee but also embodied the values and spirit of the armed forces. By combining his passion for coffee with his military background, Hafer aimed to create a company that not only served as a source of delicious coffee but also as a platform to support and give back to veterans, active-duty military, and first responders. Through its strong commitment to the military community, Black Rifle Coffee Company has become a symbol of patriotism and a well-respected brand in the coffee industry.

Mat Best: The Hilarious And Creative Force

Who Owns Black Rifle Coffee: Uncovering the Ownership and Story Behind Black Rifle Coffee Company

Mat Best, one of the co-founders of Black Rifle Coffee Company, brings a unique and humorous touch to the brand. Known for his larger-than-life personality and irreverent sense of humor, Best plays a crucial role in the company’s success. His creative storytelling and comedic approach have attracted a devoted following of customers and supporters.

Best’s contributions extend beyond his entertainment value. He has played a key role in developing Black Rifle Coffee Company’s marketing strategy, utilizing humor to engage with customers and build brand awareness. The company’s viral videos featuring Best and his humorous antics have become a signature element of their marketing campaigns.

With his ability to connect with people through humor, Best has helped shape the company’s image and create a strong sense of community among Black Rifle Coffee Company’s customers. His presence and influence have made him an integral part of the company’s success and have set the stage for its continued growth and expansion.

Mat Best’s Contribution To Black Rifle Coffee Company

Mat Best has been an integral part of the success and growth of Black Rifle Coffee Company. Known for his larger-than-life personality and irreverent sense of humor, Best brings a unique and creative touch to the brand. He has played a crucial role in developing the company’s marketing strategy, utilizing humor to engage with customers and build brand awareness. Best’s ability to connect with people through his hilarious antics has helped shape the company’s image and create a strong sense of community among its customers. Moreover, his entertaining presence in the company’s viral videos has attracted a devoted following of supporters. Overall, Mat Best’s contributions have been instrumental in establishing Black Rifle Coffee Company as a standout brand within the industry.

Role Of Humor In Black Rifle Coffee Company’s Marketing

Humor plays a significant role in Black Rifle Coffee Company’s marketing strategy. The company understands that a touch of humor can make its brand more relatable and engaging to its target audience. They utilize humor in their advertisements, social media campaigns, and promotional videos to entertain and connect with their customers. By infusing humor into its marketing efforts, Black Rifle Coffee Company is able to stand out from its competitors and create a memorable brand experience. This approach not only helps to attract new customers but also fosters a strong sense of loyalty and community among their existing customer base. Overall, humor is a powerful tool that Black Rifle Coffee Company uses to communicate its brand message and values effectively.

The Veteran Ownership Connection

The Veteran Ownership Connection:
A significant aspect of Black Rifle Coffee Company’s identity is its strong connection to the military community. As a veteran-founded and operated company, Black Rifle Coffee Company values the contributions and sacrifices made by military personnel. This connection is evident not only in the company’s mission but also in its ownership structure. With a commitment to hiring 10,000 veterans and providing opportunities for the military community, Black Rifle Coffee Company is dedicated to giving back to those who have served. Moreover, the company actively supports veterans seeking to venture into entrepreneurship, providing assistance to help them launch their businesses. By fostering this veteran ownership connection, Black Rifle Coffee Company aims to empower veterans and honor their service to the nation.

The Significance Of Veterans As Owners Of Black Rifle Coffee Company

The significance of veterans as owners of Black Rifle Coffee Company is deeply embedded in the company’s identity and mission. As a veteran-founded and operated business, Black Rifle Coffee Company understands the unique challenges and sacrifices military personnel face. By having veterans as owners, the company is able to connect authentically with the military community and provide support and opportunities to fellow veterans. This ownership structure allows Black Rifle Coffee Company to create a strong bond with its customers, who value the military and appreciate the dedication and service of those who have served. Furthermore, it enables the company to give back to the military community by actively hiring veterans and assisting them in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Ultimately, the veteran ownership connection exemplifies the company’s commitment to honoring and empowering those who have served.

Support For Military And First Responders

Who Owns Black Rifle Coffee: Uncovering the Ownership and Story Behind Black Rifle Coffee Company

Black Rifle Coffee Company is deeply committed to supporting and honoring veterans, active-duty military personnel, and first responders. As a company founded and operated by veterans, they understand the sacrifices and challenges faced by these brave individuals.

One of the ways Black Rifle Coffee Company demonstrates its support is through its “Buy a Bag, Give a Bag” program. For every bag of coffee purchased, the company donates a bag of their premium coffee to deployed troops overseas. This initiative not only provides a taste of home to those serving far away but also shows appreciation for their service.

Additionally, Black Rifle Coffee Company partners with various organizations and charities that support veterans and first responders, such as the Gary Sinise Foundation and the Raider Project. They actively participate in fundraising events and donate a portion of their proceeds to these causes.

By actively engaging and supporting the military and first responder community, Black Rifle Coffee Company remains dedicated to making a positive impact and expressing gratitude for their service.

Expansion And Growth

Since its founding in 2014, Black Rifle Coffee Company has experienced significant expansion and growth. The company started with a small online presence but quickly gained traction and popularity among coffee enthusiasts and supporters of the military and first responder communities.

Black Rifle Coffee Company expanded its operations by opening brick-and-mortar cafes across the United States, providing customers with a unique coffee experience. These cafes not only serve high-quality coffee but also serve as community gathering places for like-minded individuals.

Furthermore, the company has formed partnerships and collaborations with other brands, expanding its reach and amplifying its message. Black Rifle Coffee Company has also ventured into new product lines, offering a range of merchandise and accessories that resonate with its customer base.

Through its expansion and growth, Black Rifle Coffee Company continues to innovate, connect, and make a positive impact on the lives of its customers and communities.

Expansion Of Black Rifle Coffee Company Since Its Founding

Since its founding in 2014, Black Rifle Coffee Company has experienced impressive expansion and growth. Initially starting with a small online presence, the company quickly gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts, as well as supporters of the military and first responder communities. Building on this success, Black Rifle Coffee Company opened brick-and-mortar cafes across the United States, offering customers a unique coffee experience and serving as community gathering places. Additionally, the company has formed partnerships and collaborations with other brands, expanding its reach and amplifying its message. Furthermore, Black Rifle Coffee Company has ventured into new product lines, offering a range of merchandise and accessories that resonate with its customer base. Through its expansion and growth, Black Rifle Coffee Company continues to innovate, connect, and make a positive impact on the lives of its customers and communities.

Partnerships, Collaborations, And New Ventures

Black Rifle Coffee Company has successfully formed strategic partnerships and collaborations that have contributed to its growth and reach. The company has collaborated with various brands and organizations, such as Nine Line Apparel, CIGAR.com, and JP Silk, to create unique coffee blends and merchandise. These collaborations have allowed Black Rifle Coffee Company to expand its product offerings and tap into new customer markets. Furthermore, the company has ventured into new business ventures, such as launching its whiskey brand called Black Rifle Coffee Whiskey. These partnerships, collaborations, and new ventures not only showcase the company’s ability to diversify its offerings but also help amplify its brand message and values to a wider audience.


In conclusion, Black Rifle Coffee Company has emerged as a prominent player in the coffee industry, driven by its mission to provide high-quality coffee and support for veterans and first responders. Founded by Evan Hafer, a former Green Beret, the company has thrived by combining its passion for coffee with a commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of those who have served their country. With its unique brand identity, strategic partnerships, and collaborations, Black Rifle Coffee Company has experienced significant growth and success since its founding in 2014. Moving forward, the company remains dedicated to expanding its reach, diversifying its offerings, and continuing to support the military and first responder communities.

Success And Impact Of Black Rifle Coffee Company

Black Rifle Coffee Company has achieved remarkable success since its establishment in 2014. Under the leadership of founder and CEO Evan Hafer, the company has experienced rapid growth and has become a prominent player in the coffee industry. With its commitment to providing high-quality coffee and supporting veterans and first responders, Black Rifle Coffee Company has garnered a strong and loyal customer base. Its online coffee subscriptions, which reached over 100,000 subscribers in 2020, have contributed significantly to its success. The company’s physical presence in Montana and Tennessee, along with its distribution partnerships, has further expanded its reach. Through its innovative marketing strategies, collaborations, and partnerships, Black Rifle Coffee Company continues to make a positive impact in the lives of veterans and first responders while solidifying its position in the competitive coffee market.

Future Plans And Goals For The Company

Black Rifle Coffee Company has ambitious plans for its future. With its strong customer base and rapid growth, the company aims to expand its physical presence across the United States. They plan to open more coffee shops and establish a stronger retail presence. Additionally, they aim to continue developing and expanding their product line to cater to a wide range of coffee enthusiasts. In terms of impact, Black Rifle Coffee Company plans to further its support for veterans and first responders by partnering with more organizations and launching initiatives to provide assistance and resources. Overall, Black Rifle Coffee Company is committed to maintaining its high quality, supporting its community, and becoming a household name in the coffee industry.

FAQ: Who Owns Black Rifle Coffee?

Q: Who is the owner of Black Rifle Coffee?
A: Black Rifle Coffee is a privately owned company. The founder and CEO of Black Rifle Coffee is Evan Hafer.

Q: Is Black Rifle Coffee a publicly traded company?
A: No, Black Rifle Coffee is not a public company. It remains privately held, allowing the company to maintain control over its operations and strategic decisions.

Q: Are there any notable investors in Black Rifle Coffee?
A: Although the details of the company’s investors are not publicly disclosed, over the years, Black Rifle Coffee has attracted the attention of prominent individuals, including entrepreneurs, veterans, and celebrities who share a passion for coffee and supporting our military and law enforcement communities.

Q: Has Black Rifle Coffee received any funding or investments?
A: Black Rifle Coffee has not disclosed specific details about funding and investments. However, as a successful and rapidly growing brand, the company has likely received external funding or investment at various stages of its growth.

Q: Is Black Rifle Coffee affiliated with any other coffee companies or brands?
A: Black Rifle Coffee operates independently and is not affiliated with any other coffee companies or brands. The company takes pride in its unique approach to roasting high-quality coffee and supporting the military and first responder communities.

Q: Are there any plans for Black Rifle Coffee to go public in the future?
A: As of now, there are no public plans for Black Rifle Coffee to go public. However, like any successful company, plans and strategies can always evolve, and it’s impossible to predict what the future may hold for the company.

Q: How can I support Black Rifle Coffee as a customer?
A: By purchasing Black Rifle Coffee products directly from their website or authorized retailers, you are supporting the company and its mission. Additionally, spreading the word about the brand to family and friends can help promote Black Rifle Coffee and its dedication to the military and first responder communities.

In summary, Black Rifle Coffee is a privately owned company with Evan Hafer as the CEO and founder. While the company’s investors and financial details are not publicly disclosed, they have gained attention from notable individuals who share their values. As of now, Black Rifle Coffee remains a private company without any affiliation with other coffee brands. Though the company currently has no plans to go public, supporting them as a customer is a great way to back their mission.

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